Morning Storm


Morning storm
smashing rain
on our
highest panes

we watched in wonder

as swaying trunks
grow drunk
with heaven’s wine

but noonday trees
stand sober

glittering green
on absolute blue

the crystal sky
of spring.

7 thoughts on “Morning Storm

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 40 (March 24-30, 2011) | Jingle

  2. stunning word panting..keep it up.

    invite you to join poets rally week 40…
    simply visit me for details…all submissions are to be represented by the end of the week.
    Happy Writing.
    Looking forward to seeing you share your talent with us.
    You rock.

  3. “…we watched in wonder

    as swaying trunks
    grow drunk
    with heaven’s wine

    but noonday trees
    stand sober…” Too often the beauty of nature is not appreciated.

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